What Do You Got For Me Lord?

As I walked along the Atlantic surf on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, my question was simple.

What do you got for me Lord?

I’ve done this on many occasions and eagerly expected an answer. He did not disappoint.

If you think committing your life to following Christ is easy and mostly without angst, you’d be wrong. So many questions are left unanswered. Or so it seems. This was a question that I desperately needed to have Jesus answer.

In 2019 God asked me to lay down my business career and trust Him exclusively for guidance and support and join him in ministering to his people without a notion of how I’d support our family. To trust that he’d supply my daily manna, physically, spiritually, financially, and in every way in between. So many days over the last 5 years I wondered if I heard his voice, or if I desired to serve without his guidance. Every time I wondered, he answered with an affirmative, yes. You’re right where I want you to be, even when I had $10 to my name and an empty tank of gas.

Were it not for dear friends who invited us to accompany them on vacation to a place where I spent years and years of my life, both with family and investing in my future through many real estate acquisitions, I would not have had the opportunity to walk along that beach and ask God that simple question.

So, what did he say?

Look down and wait until I pick the perfect symbol of what your past and future holds. There it is. A shell. Who knows how many millions of gallons of water had passed over this small representation of what God intended me to experience at that exact moment? I stood alone on that beach. No one in site. I had wandered much farther than expected before I reached for that beautifully crafted seashell.

See, the striations in the shell represented my past influence on the Kingdom of God and my future impact because I obeyed and believed that my calling was clear. My purpose defined. On the one side, the Ministry of Embracing Brokenness would expand exponentially and impact the world in ways I couldn’t even imagine. No, not in obvious ways, but in exponential ways that won’t be told until we get to Heaven with an eternity to discover who picked up that small piece of manna and heard God tell them they were loved and seen. That their identity was secure as a child of God and they had purpose far beyond their understanding.

On the opposite side of that shell was a smooth almost stellar-like impression that God clearly told me represented “legacy”. Future generations would be impacted by my obedience to stay the course, to not deviate from the mission, no matter the cost.

Folks, that day God had a lot for me. He showed me my future, my impact on the Kingdom, and my legacy for eternity. The best part of all of this was it wasn’t about me at all. It was about Him in me. About the Kingdom cause he’s called me up into.

I wanna encourage you to stay the course. Ask God for his vision for your life, mission, and calling. It WILL matter for eternity.

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